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In Loving Memory of

Carmen Luisa Abraham


This website was created in remembrance of Carmen Luisa Abraham,

born May 15, 1948 and joined our Lord on April 3, 2008


In Loving Memory of our beloved sister, daughter, mother, grandmother, aunt, cousin and friend...



A  golden heart stop beating.  God broke our hearts to prove to us he only takes the best.

Forever in our hearts...  Love mom, sisters Leidy, Ada, Neida and brother Luis.




In Loving Memory of Carmen's Life!






            just as important as our Angel's Birthdays...



Remembering Carmen Luisa Abraham on her second Angelversary.  

















 Our dearest Jason, together in Heaven with your dear mother Carmen.  Forever in our hearts!









Click on the links below to light up Heaven with love and light a candle in Carmen's memory!

Light Carmen a Candle >> Carmen Memorial web 



Other Angels websites:


Jacob Cruz Memorial sites:  Last Memories >> Memory-of 



Presentación de Diapositivas
Galería Rápida
Carmen ~ 17yrs Carmen Carmen ~ 21yrs Carmen01 Carmen02 Carmen03 Carmen Abraham 22yrs Carmen Abraham 25yrs Carmen Abraham 26yrs Carmen Abraham 27yrs Carmen Abraham 28yrs Carmen Abraham 33yrs Jason Maldonado Carmen & family ~ 35yrs Carmen ~ 36yrs with her sons
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